An awesome weekend up the west coast!
Rash (above) and the sunset along the wild, rocky west coast at Tietiesbaai. This campsite is situated in the Cape Colombine Nature Reserve just outside the small fishing village of Paternoster.
Tea stop and a game of Scrabble, in the middle of a random road!
Above: The local bouncer at the Marmelade Cat coffee shop in Darling.
Below: 'ello Desmond ... some of the hand crafted gifts to buy at the Marmelade Cat.
South Africas west coast is magical. Conditions are harsh, with dry and cold winds and an unforgiving sun, but it is charismatic and beautiful. It will definatly have you coming again!

Spring is flower time and many people visit the west coast areas to view the intense colours of fields full of wild-flowers.
The picnic basket is never lonely!

Our home for the night, sea view and all. 

... and a shy little Shiraz it was ...
... cheers!

The lighthouse in the Cape Colombine Nature Reserve is one of the few still manually operated in South Africa. 
Good morning, coffee and rusks!

The girls and the bikes. 

Good timing on our side, there was a biker ralley in Paternoster that weekend. We had loads of fun just checking out the scene, the bikes and some of the interesting characters that rode in on them.